Martified Sentences

Day 7, Sentence 1:

On the night of the big storm, when the power was out and the Bob-Whites needed to make their own entertainment, Mart promised them a stupendous extravaganza filled with inexplicable phenomena, hitherto unbeknownst to any of them, but instead appeared in the doorway, wearing a false moustache, an expression intended to be mysterious, but which only managed to be comical, and a cape made out of a curtain, the combination of which caused his friends to roll on the floor with laughter and for Mart to retreat in a huff, muttering about being unappreciated.

Original sentence: Mart appeared in the doorway.
Source: The Marshland Mystery (#10, p. 125, cream oval).

Fun Universe Facts

Fun Facts

Summer Secrets: Several people wondered whether Honey will ever get her longed-for second child. She does, but not until after the time detailed in the epilogue. In the meantime, she takes consolation in being the favourite aunt of all the Bob-White offspring.